Tum Ma-Muang Pla-Yang (Mango Salad and Grilled Fish)

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Mango Salad and Grilled Fish is a seasonal dish. The dish is popular in the summer because it makes body temperatures balanced.


Fish is high in essential protein and calcium. Mango contains phosphorous, calcium, vitamins B1, B2 and C. Having the dish strengthens bone and teeth, strengthens the immune system, prevents beriberi and reduces blood cholesterol.


2 each mangoes
200 grams fish
1 tbsp. roasted shrimp paste
5 – 6 each garlic cloves
1 tbsp. ground dried chilies
2 tbsp. fish sauce
1 tsp. sugar


1. Peel, clean and shred the mangoes.
2. Grill the fish until its skin becomes brown and crispy. Remove its bones.
3. Roasted the shrimp paste until aromatic.
4. Pound the garlic and chilies until well blended. Add the shrimp paste, pound until well mixed.
5. Add the shredded mango and fish, slightly pound until mixed. Season with fish sauce and sugar to taste.
6. Serve with local vegetables.